Democrats Panic as Biden's Debate Disaster Sparks Calls for Exit

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 83 days ago

CNN Chief National Correspondent John King reports deep panic within the Democratic Party following President Biden's dismal debate performance.

According to King, prominent Democrats are urging the White House to ask Biden to step down as a presidential candidate. The concern stems from Biden's poor showing during the debate, which has left many Democrats worried about the potential impact on other candidates down the party ticket.

King stated that there is a "deep, wide, and very aggressive panic" within the Democratic Party, which began minutes into the debate and continues to this day. He noted that this panic involves party strategists, elected officials, and fundraisers, who are all having conversations about Biden's performance and what should be done about it.

Some of these conversations include the possibility of asking Biden to step aside, while others are considering whether prominent Democrats should go public with that call. The concern is that Biden's debate performance was so terrible that it could hurt the party's chances in the upcoming election.

Democrat political analyst Van Jones also expressed concern about Biden's performance, stating that he failed to restore the confidence of the country and the party base. Jones suggested that Biden's poor showing should prompt the party to consider a different course before the convention.

The debate was widely seen as a test for Biden, who needed to avoid appearing like a "human cabbage" and simply scrape through the night. However, his performance fell far short of expectations, leaving many Democrats scrambling to find a way forward.

The panic within the Democratic Party is a stark contrast to the confidence and optimism expressed by Republicans following the debate. President Trump delivered a strong performance, highlighting his achievements in office and outlining his vision for the future.

The debate was widely seen as a win for Trump, who was able to effectively communicate his message to voters and demonstrate his leadership skills. In contrast, Biden struggled to articulate his positions and appeared confused and disoriented at times.

The fallout from the debate is likely to continue in the coming days, as Democrats grapple with the implications of Biden's poor performance. It remains to be seen whether the party will be able to find a way forward that can unite its members and appeal to voters.

In the meantime, Republicans are likely to continue to capitalize on Biden's weaknesses and highlight the strengths of their own candidate. With the election just months away, every moment counts, and the stakes could not be higher.


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