Dismal Debate: Biden's Blunders Spark Panic, Democrats Mull Replacement

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 83 days ago

Joe Biden's dismal debate performance sparks panic among Democrats, with prominent liberals and media pundits suggesting his replacement on the ticket.

During the first presidential debate of 2024, Joe Biden appeared feeble and incoherent, struggling to defend his record and frequently mumbling or halting through his lines.

The 81-year-old president's voice sounded weak and raspy, and he launched attacks on Donald Trump that had long been debunked even by liberal fact-checkers.

Biden's halting start to the debate alarmed his own Democrat ranks, with MSNBC host Joy Reid describing the "universal reaction" as "somewhere approaching panic."

Reid added that after the debate, the Democratic Party doesn't believe that Biden can be the one to represent "the real working-class white guy" in the party's base.

CNN political reporter John King declared Biden's performance a "game changing debate" that was prompting talk of a Democrat coup to remove Biden or encourage him to step aside.

Biden showed no signs of exiting, going on the X social platform to attack Trump anew and raise money.

On the other hand, Trump was energetic, focused, and seized upon a format that limited answers to one and two minutes. He landed his answers in the timeframes and turned around any question he didn't like to remind voters of the difference in his and Biden's records on the two I's that matter most: inflation and immigration.

Trump declared he absolutely supported exceptions to any abortion bans for rape, incest, and saving the life of a mother and suggested Biden was proving more dangerous to women with an open border policy that has led to increasing rapes and murders of woman and girls as young as 12.

There was one other clear verdict by night’s end. Americans seemed to fancy CNN’s new format that kept answers to two minutes or less, didn’t let moderators fact check candidates, and cut off microphones when the clock ran out.

The debate was a stark contrast in the policies and stamina of the two major party candidates, with Biden's blunders sure to fill attack ads for weeks to come.


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