UK Army Ad Sparks Surprise: All-White Cast Raises Concerns

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 87 days ago

UK Army ad featuring exclusively white people sparks surprise and concern

People have expressed surprise and concern after the British military released a recruitment ad featuring exclusively white people, with some seeing it as a sign that war is coming.

The UK Army clip in question appears to feature exclusively white people and features no diversity whatsoever, despite previous military ads and TV commercials in general being full of it.

The ad shows a white British soldier and his comrades, who all appear to be white too, helping a group of anguished people, who are also entirely white, evacuate an area.

"What’s your gut saying? Do nothing? Or help? You’ve got the instincts. Now get the training," says a voiceover.

The ad is almost certainly meant to appeal to white recruits to try and boost flagging numbers after a sustained period of fixating on diversity, a policy which even led to the UK Army relaxing its security checks on applicants from overseas.

Last year it was also revealed that the Royal Air Force had openly discriminated against white recruits by fast-tracking ethnic minority and female recruits into training slots.

This comes after previous ads for the UK Army have leaned heavily on diversity, including one from 2018 that showed a Muslim soldier praying.

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