Bannon: Trump's 'Green Card' Proposal Puts America Last

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 88 days ago

Steve Bannon, a loyal supporter of former President Donald Trump, has expressed his disagreement with Trump's recent proposal to grant every foreign college graduate a "green card" with their diploma. Bannon believes that this policy would create an unfair competition between foreigners and Americans on their own turf, which he refers to as "America Last."

In an interview with the All In Podcast, Trump suggested that foreign students who graduate from American colleges should automatically receive a green card. While Trump's proposal is aimed at attracting the best and brightest to the United States, Bannon argues that it would be at the expense of qualified and brilliant white students and workers who are being overlooked due to their skin color and gender.

Bannon suggests that instead of bringing in the entire world and taking their best and brightest, layering it on top of the American people, we should prioritize American citizens and maintain a nation of strong, educated individuals. He proposes cutting foreign student slots by 50% and sending them back to improve their countries, ensuring true alliances.

Bannon also points out that many of the workers in Silicon Valley at Big Tech companies are H1B visa workers who come from countries like Saudi Arabia, China, India, and Bangladesh whose values are inherently incompatible with our values here in the United States. This is why there is a culture of censorship and debanking in Big Tech.

Furthermore, Bannon argues that many of these people are also spies for foreign countries, and when they work for these tech companies, they get access to the data of millions of Americans. There are countless stories about immigrants coming to the US, working for Big Tech, and getting caught as spies for foreign regimes.

Bannon's stance on this issue reflects the concerns of many in the America First movement who believe that prioritizing American citizens and ensuring that they have a fair shot at jobs based on their merit, not as charity cases, is crucial. While hiring skilled overseas workers can make big companies more productive and innovative, at a time when so many Americans are suffering, looking across the ocean for your high-paid work force isn't the answer.

In conclusion, while Trump's proposal to grant every foreign college graduate a "green card" with their diploma is aimed at attracting the best and brightest to the United States, it is important to prioritize American citizens and ensure that they have a fair shot at jobs based on their merit. Bannon's proposal to cut foreign student slots by 50% and send them back to improve their countries, ensuring true alliances, is a more America First approach.


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