Trump's 'No Tax on Tips' Movement Gains Momentum

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 88 days ago

Former President Donald Trump's "No Tax on Tips" movement is gaining momentum, with a growing number of Americans expressing their support for the policy proposal.

Trump first announced the plan during a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, stating that if elected as the next President of the United States, he would not charge taxes on tips for restaurant workers, hospitality workers, and anyone else who receives tips.

The proposal has been well-received by many Americans, who see it as a much-needed relief from the numerous taxes they are already subjected to, including income, property, state and local sales, and federal and state excise taxes.

The movement has gained further traction as more people write on their restaurant receipts to vote for Trump for no tax on tips. This should only help the former president gain more support prior to the November election.

Reps. Thomas Massie (R-KY), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) have also reintroduced Ron Paul's "Tax-Free Tips Act" amidst the growing movement of Trump's new policy plan.

While in Philadelphia for a rally on Saturday, the former President stopped by a restaurant to spread the word about the no-tax-on-tips promise. He left the staff a $500 tip.

The Trump campaign has challenged Biden and the Democrats to give their thoughts on this proposal. If they don't agree with it, which, given that Trump is the proposer, it's probable they will oppose it, the voters deserve to know their stance.

This could be the momentum that Trump needs to push him across the finish line in November.


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