Northern Border Crisis: Illegal Immigration Skyrockets

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 88 days ago

Illegal Immigration Skyrockets at Northern Boundary Too

It's not just the southern border that's facing an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration. The northern border, which stretches over 5,000 miles and is the longest international border between two nations, is also seeing record-breaking numbers of illegal entries.

According to the latest data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a record-breaking 18,644 individuals were apprehended illegally entering the U.S. at the northern border in May, the highest total for the month of May in recorded history. This brings the total number of apprehensions at the northern border in the first eight months of fiscal 2024 to over 99,000, a significant increase from previous years.

The northern border presents a unique tactical problem compared to the southern border. While the numbers are not yet up to the catastrophic levels seen on the southern border, they are still a matter of real concern. Border Patrol agents at the northern border are also apprehending the greatest number of known or suspected terrorists (KSTs), including an Iranian with terrorist ties.

The primary concern is the border between the upper tier of the 48 contiguous states and Canada. There are only two crossing points and much of the rest of the border is so remote and so rugged as to be truly daunting. However, there are places along that long, long stretch of border between Canada and the lower 48 where one can simply walk or boat across.

Closing the northern border is an entirely different kettle of fish than the southern border. But it can be improved; known crossing points can be fortified, traffic in new areas identified. We have satellites that can measure the length of a bad guy's earlobe from orbit, so one would think that we could leverage some tech to keep an eye on the northern border. Another good option would be to disincentivize these illegal crossings. How? Immediate and unquestioned deportation of anyone caught crossing illegally.

Like the southern border, this is a situation that can't continue. It's time for the Biden administration to take action and secure our northern border.


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