Trump Vows Task Force to Investigate Anti-Christian Bias

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 88 days ago

Former President Donald Trump has vowed to establish a task force to investigate anti-Christian bias if he is elected to another term. Trump made this promise during his remarks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's 15th annual Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.

Trump criticized the current administration for weaponizing the Justice Department to prosecute pro-life activists. He specifically mentioned the case of Paulette Harlow, a 75-year-old woman who was sentenced to 24 months in prison for singing in front of an abortion clinic. Trump said that Harlow felt privileged to stand in court on behalf of the unborn, who have no voice.

The Biden administration has defended the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, or FACE Act, as a means to protect the health and safety of women seeking abortions. However, Trump argued that the law is being used to target pro-life activists.

Trump delivered a wide-ranging speech, talking about the border crisis, the economy and inflation, and crime. He also talked about his own legal problems, which he said were bogus. Trump said that he has more political wounds than any other president, but noted that Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson come closest.

Trump's remarks come days before the first presidential debate between Trump and Biden on Thursday. This was Trump's ninth speech at the Road to Majority Conference. Trump is banking on comparing the strong economy under his watch with the lagging economy and inflation under the Biden administration. Biden, meanwhile, is beginning to primarily campaign on Trump's felony conviction in New York last month.

Trump began talking about the targeting of pro-life activists as a contrast with his position that abortion is a policy that should be decided by the states—not the federal government. He talked about the three justices he appointed to the Supreme Court who voted with the court's majority in 2022 to scrap the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal nationwide.

Trump insisted that Democrats don't want people in the states deciding. He said that if the radical Democrat extremes get their way, they will have a federal law on abortion to rip the baby out of the womb in the seventh, eighth, ninth month, or even execute the baby after birth.

Trump told the audience that Christians go to church, but they don't vote that much. He encouraged Christians to vote in the upcoming election. Trump said that Christians have the power to make a difference if they vote.

Trump's promise to establish a task force to investigate anti-Christian bias is a response to the concerns of many Christians who feel that their religious freedom is under attack. Trump's remarks are likely to resonate with his conservative base, who have long been concerned about the erosion of religious freedom in America.


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