Supreme Court Decision Hamstrings Hunter Biden's Legal Appeal

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 89 days ago

Supreme Court Decision Deals Blow to Hunter Biden's Legal Appeal

The Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold a law that bars domestic abusers from owning firearms has dealt a significant blow to Hunter Biden's legal appeal, according to legal analyst Jonathan Turley. The decision, handed down on Friday, was 8-1, with only Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting.

Turley, a Fox News legal analyst, noted that while the decision is a victory for the Biden administration, it is a defeat for Hunter Biden, who was recently convicted by a unanimous jury in Delaware for false statements on a gun form and possession of a firearm as a drug addict. Hunter and his legal team had been counting on the Court striking down the federal gun law at issue in the case of United States v. Rahimi.

Turley explained that the Court found the federal statutes imposing a reasonable temporary limitation on the right to bear arms. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote that "an individual found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment."

The decision is particularly significant for Hunter Biden, who had been hoping to use the case as a Hail Mary pass in his legal appeal. Turley noted that Hunter's legal team had been counting on the case since a Special Counsel was appointed, but that their strategy had ultimately failed.

The decision is also significant in light of recent allegations that Hunter Biden may have received a defensive briefing while his father, President Joe Biden, was Vice President. According to investigative journalist John Solomon, there are questions about whether Joe Biden received a defensive briefing while Hunter was busy making overseas money.

Meanwhile, in other political news, former President Donald Trump has endorsed Pastor Mark Burns for South Carolina's 3rd Congressional District. In a post on TRUTH Social, Trump praised Burns as a "fighter" who would help him secure the border, stop illegal immigration, uphold the rule of law, grow the economy, and protect and defend the Second Amendment.

Burns, a pastor and televangelist in South Carolina, was one of the early backers of Trump's presidential bid in 2016. He will be facing Republican opponent Sheri Biggs in the South Carolina GOP primary on June 25.


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