Daring Rescue: Border Agents Airlift Trapped Illegal Immigrants

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 89 days ago

Border Agents Airlift Five Illegal Immigrants "Trapped" in Arizona Mountains

In a daring rescue operation, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents airlifted five illegal immigrants who were trapped in the Peloncillo Mountains in Arizona. The rescue, which took place over the weekend, highlights the ongoing challenges faced by border authorities as they grapple with the influx of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States.

The first rescue took place on June 14, when border patrol agents on horseback encountered a group of illegal immigrants suffering from heat exhaustion. The agents quickly summoned a CBP Air and Marine Operations (AMO) crew and members of a U.S. Border Patrol Search Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR) unit to assist in the rescue.

Three of the immigrants required emergency medical attention, with one being unresponsive and seizing. The AMO Rescue Specialists were able to clear a landing zone and load the migrant onto the aircraft, where they were then flown to an awaiting air ambulance.

The second rescue took place on Sunday, when a U.S. Border Patrol Horse Patrol agent located nine illegal border crossers in the Peloncillos near the Arizona/New Mexico border. Two of the immigrants required emergency medical attention and were airlifted individually by a Tucson Air Branch crew.

The rescues come as the Biden administration continues to face criticism over its handling of the border crisis. In May alone, CBP data shows that 170,723 illegal immigrants were encountered while crossing the southern border. Since President Biden took office, more than 9.8 million illegal immigrants have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border.

New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams recently sparked controversy when he insisted that the United States "needs" illegal immigrants. Adams argued that the country's illegal immigration crisis can be a good thing, citing population concerns. However, many conservatives have criticized the mayor's comments, arguing that the influx of illegal immigrants is putting a strain on resources and posing a threat to national security.

The border crisis has also been a major focus for former President Donald Trump, who made immigration a key issue during his time in office. Trump's hardline stance on immigration, which included building a wall along the southern border, was popular among many conservatives.

As the border crisis continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will address the issue. However, one thing is clear: the situation at the border is becoming increasingly dire, and urgent action is needed to address the influx of illegal immigrants.


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