Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man in Indianapolis: A Call for Supporting Law Enforcement

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 89 days ago

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department released video footage on Thursday, May 2, depicting the events that resulted in officers fatally shooting a 35-year-old man who reportedly pointed a gun at one of the officers on the north side of the city.

The incident unfolded shortly after 2 p.m. when authorities received a 911 call alerting them to a man brandishing a gun and issuing threats to shoot individuals near a housing complex in the 600 block of East 38th Street.

Upon their arrival, Officer Randall Buck, a nine-year veteran, and Officer Ivan Flick, a six-year veteran, encountered 35-year-old Lemar Brandon Qualls on the porch.

Footage from a doorbell camera captures Flick approaching Qualls, who is heard saying, "You're fine. You know me. I wouldn't do this if it wasn't what I think it is. If I'm wrong, tell me, please."

Subsequently, Flick instructs Qualls to raise his hands. The video shows Qualls aiming his gun at Flick, prompting Flick to discharge his weapon at Qualls, while Buck also fires shots at Qualls from the grass.

IMPD disclosed that Flick failed to activate his body-worn camera until after discharging his firearm.

Following the shooting, Flick and Buck waited for additional officers to arrive before approaching Qualls.

Medical aid was rendered to Qualls by officers until paramedics arrived to transport him to Methodist Hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries.

The gun owned by Qualls was discovered on the staircase to the patio, with investigators surmising that one of the shots fired by the officers had struck the weapon, causing damage to the magazine.

No injuries were reported among the officers or other citizens involved in the incident, according to IMPD sources.

This incident highlights the importance of law enforcement officers being able to protect themselves and the public from dangerous individuals. It also underscores the need for proper training and equipment, such as body-worn cameras, to ensure that officers can do their jobs effectively and safely.

Unfortunately, some politicians and activists have called for defunding the police and reducing their resources, which could make it more difficult for officers to respond to situations like this one. It is crucial that we support our law enforcement officers and provide them with the tools they need to keep our communities safe.

In related news, there have been reports of terrorists entering the United States through the southern border, which is a cause for concern. The Biden administration's lax immigration policies have made it easier for criminals and terrorists to enter the country, putting Americans at risk.

It is time for the government to take action to secure our borders and protect our citizens. We cannot afford to ignore this issue any longer.

In conclusion, the incident in Indianapolis serves as a reminder of the dangers that law enforcement officers face every day and the importance of supporting them. At the same time, we must also address the issue of border security and ensure that our country is protected from those who wish to do us harm.


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