Trump Campaign Outpaces Biden in Fundraising: MSNBC Guest

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 90 days ago

Even MSNBC is admitting that the Biden campaign is in trouble. According to a guest on the liberal-friendly network, the Biden campaign is falling behind the Trump campaign in terms of fundraising. In May, the Trump campaign and the RNC raised a combined $106 million, while the Biden campaign and the DNC raised only $60 million. That's a difference of 76 percent in favor of the Trump campaign.

The guest on MSNBC said that if you're sitting in Biden's headquarters, you don't like these numbers. The Biden campaign is likely redoubling its efforts to raise money to make sure that the Trump campaign doesn't outpace them in fundraising. However, the fact that the Trump campaign is raising so much more money than the Biden campaign is not sustainable for the Democrats.

The Trump campaign has been receiving small-dollar contributions from hard-working Americans following the former president's trial and conviction. This shows the enthusiasm for another Trump presidency compared to a Biden presidency. While Biden has received a nearly $20 million donation from former New York Mayor and 2020 Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, it appears that most of Biden's big donors will continue contributing to his campaign as they did in 2020.

However, the biggest difference in this campaign is that Trump's campaign has been receiving small-dollar contributions from hard-working Americans. This shows the enthusiasm for another Trump presidency compared to a Biden presidency. The unrest in the Middle East, the lies about "cheap fake" stories, and everything in between have made voters much less enthusiastic about Biden's campaign in 2024 than in 2020.

If MSNBC is saying the quiet part out loud, just imagine the conversations around kitchen tables about the disaster that Biden and his administration have been in the past four years. Americans are ready for change and will have their voices heard, not just for the presidential election but up and down the ballot – Senate, House, and local races as well.


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