Operation Rescue Renews Endorsement of Trump, Slams Biden's Pro-Abortion Stance

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 90 days ago

Pro-Life Group Renews Endorsement of Donald Trump

As the two-year anniversary of the fall of Roe v. Wade approaches, Operation Rescue has renewed its endorsement of former President Donald J. Trump. The pro-life group credits Trump with the overturn of the infamous Supreme Court decision that led to the killing of tens of millions of innocent babies over nearly 50 years.

"Operation Rescue and pro-lifers all over the country are now celebrating this marvelous accomplishment," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "In stark contrast to so-called pro-life politicians that came before and after Trump, he kept the promises he made while on the campaign trail."

Trump's nomination of three pro-life Supreme Court justices resulted in the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and he is also the only president in U.S. history to take money away from Planned Parenthood.

On the other hand, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been extreme in their pro-abortion position. Their desire to kill as many babies as possible has been demonstrated repeatedly through their words and policies.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also exhibited his extreme position on abortion in an interview with Sage Steele released on May 9. He identified himself as "one of the leading people in this country for medical freedom and bodily autonomy."

Kennedy was asked, "Should there be a limit or are you saying all the way up to full term, a woman has a right to have an abortion?" When Steele asked for clarity concerning his opinion about the state's involvement in abortion policy, he responded by saying the government should not be involved, rather the decision should be left up to the woman and her doctor, "even if it's full term."

This egregious pro-death stance is rejected by 90 percent of American voters.

"I've said this before, and I'll say it again," said Newman, "in November, we have two choices. We can choose more tyranny and radical abortion policies, or we can seize the opportunity to save our Constitutional Republic.

"There is only one hopeful path in this election, and it is through Donald J. Trump!"

In other news, LEGO has unveiled a new LGBTQ pride campaign aimed at children which features drag queens and people in pup f*t*sh gear attending a pride parade. The campaign has been met with disgust and criticism from many, who argue that it is inappropriate to promote sexuality to young children.

Finally, pilots are being told to avoid non-inclusive language, including the word "cockpit," under guidance from the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA). The ALPA, which is the world's largest pilot union and represents more than 70,000 members, issued a DEI language guide in 2021 urging airmen and women to avoid certain phrases in a bid to remove "masculine generalizations."

The word "cockpit" has been deemed non-inclusive as, according to the guidance, "many women have heard a variation of 'It is called a cockpit for a reason' by a male pilot." This is despite the word originating from a 16th-century blood sport called cockfighting (fighting between male roosters) before it was later adapted into use by World War One fighter pilots.

Other terms ALPA deems must be avoided include "manpower" (with "people power" preferred) while pilots are also encouraged to avoid using "mother/father," "husband/wife," and "boyfriend/girlfriend."

ALPA said in a statement to Fox News that "opening the doors of opportunity to ensure we have a robust supply of qualified aviators" is not a "real threat" to aviation safety.

However, many have questioned the union's priorities and expressed their disbelief at the news.

As the 2024 election approaches, it is clear that the issue of abortion will be a major one. Pro-life groups like Operation Rescue are urging voters to support candidates who will protect the lives of the unborn. Meanwhile, LEGO and the Air Line Pilots Association, International are facing criticism for their promotion of LGBTQ pride and non-inclusive language, respectively.


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