Biden's Support Among Women Hits Record Low

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 90 days ago

Support for President Joe Biden among women has hit a new low, according to a recent analysis by the New York Times. The polling analysis found that Biden's support among women is the lowest for any Democrat since 2004, with former President Donald Trump now leading by eight points among the same demographic.

This is a significant shift from just four years ago, when Biden led Trump by 13 points among women. The analysis raises concerns about Biden's chances of reelection, as women make up a large portion of the Democratic base and are key to the party's success.

The polling data shows that Biden's struggles with black and Hispanic women are particularly striking. He is currently winning among black women by 58 percentage points, down from 86 percentage points in the lead-up to the 2020 election. His lead with Hispanic women has also shrunk substantially, to about 12 points.

The analysis found that twice as many women say they were better off financially under Trump than under Biden. Young women, a key constituency for Democrats, were nearly three times as likely to say things were better for them financially under Trump.

This shift in support among women could be a major blow to Biden's reelection chances. Women are often the primary decision-makers when it comes to household spending, and they are feeling the effects of inflation at the grocery store. If Biden is unable to win back the support of women, it could spell disaster for his campaign.

In response to these concerns, Democrats are expected to ramp up their focus on the issue of abortion in the lead-up to the election. However, it remains to be seen whether this will be enough to win back the support of women who are feeling the economic strain of Biden's presidency.

As the election approaches, it will be crucial for Biden to address the concerns of women and other key demographics if he hopes to secure a second term in office. With inflation continuing to rise and the economy still struggling to recover from the pandemic, it will be a tough road ahead for the president.


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