Wall Street Scheme to Seize America's Public Lands Exposed

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 91 days ago

Wall Street to list America’s protected public lands, including national parks and wildlife refuges, on NYSE starting on November 17.

The United States government is planning to pass a rule on Nov. 17, 2024, to allow Wall Street to assume total control over America's public lands, waters, and other natural resources.

Before the end of the year, the plan is to list all of America's protected lands, including parks and wildlife refuges, on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under a new classification called Natural Asset Companies (NACs).

As with everything else on Wall Street, NACs will be owned, managed, traded, and ultimately controlled by money changer entities like BlackRock and Vanguard – and even communist China.

Wall Street is already trying to control the air through so-called "carbon credits" and other associated financial instruments, with little success.

There was an entire carbon exchange that was created in the early 2000s that ultimately failed in 2005. There is still an ETF called the Climate Exchange-Traded Fund, but that, too, faces delisting.

Then came ESG and the attempted further monetization of the environment, a scam that is also failing as it faces "a perfect storm of negative sentiment." Investments in ESG fell by $163 billion just in the first quarter of 2023. Net-Zero is also in the mix, and also threatens to blow up the carbon scam.

With all these "green" scams falling apart, the next Wall Street scheme involves monetizing publicly owned natural resources, allowing corrupt entities like Bill Gates to hold the ecosystem rights to land, water, air, and even natural processes.

If the money masters get their way, the following will soon be owned and controlled by the globalists:

Even The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the largest conservation organization in the United States, is up for grabs as this 501(c)3 holds $6 billion worth of land on its books – land that was taken using your money, i.e., taxpayer-funded government grants and donations, and transferred to TNC to do with as it wishes.

"If this rule passes, America's conserved lands and parks will move onto the balance sheets of the richest people in the world," Nickson explains. "Management of those lands will be decided by them and their operations, to say the least, will be opaque."

There is, or rather was, a comment period allowing the public to provide input about the proposal to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). American Stewards of Liberty, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition, the Financial Fairness Alliance, and the Blue Ribbon Coalition have all commented, as have Republican senators Pete Ricketts, James Risch, and Mike Crapo.

"Natural Asset Companies are an attempt to grab hard assets to make up for an inevitable collapse. But taking more land out of production makes it certain that collapse moves ever closer. Land needs to be used, cared for, and maintained by the people who live on and use the land. Otherwise, it runs to desert and invasive species."

Wall Street is a corrupt casino for the rich and evil. This latest move to monetize America's public lands is just another example of the greed and corruption that runs rampant on Wall Street. It's time for the American people to stand up and say enough is enough.


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