Democrat Scientist Exposes Fauci's Risky Virus Research

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 91 days ago

Dr. Richard Ebright, a registered Democrat and Biden supporter, has been on a 20-year crusade to save the world from Dr. Anthony Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research. In a recent interview with Blaze Media, Ebright revealed that he has been warning the public about the risks of this research for two decades, but his warnings have largely been ignored due to Fauci's influence.

According to Ebright, the U.S. government started funding research on "designer" viruses in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent anthrax attacks. This research was intended to improve the government's readiness to face bioweapons threats, but it has had the unintended consequence of creating new viruses that could potentially be used as bioweapons.

Ebright has been a vocal critic of this research, arguing that it is not necessary for public health and that it increases the risk of a deadly virus being accidentally released from a lab. He has also raised concerns about the lack of oversight and regulation of this research.

Despite Ebright's warnings, Fauci has been a staunch defender of gain-of-function research. In a 2005 interview with Oncology Today, Fauci admitted that the research was not really necessary, but he claimed that it was being done in response to public panic about the possibility of a bioweapons attack.

In recent years, Ebright's concerns about gain-of-function research have been vindicated by a series of accidents and near-misses at U.S. labs. In 2014, dozens of workers at the CDC were exposed to live anthrax, and in 2015, a worker at a U.S. Army lab was accidentally exposed to a deadly strain of avian flu. These incidents have raised questions about the safety of this research and the adequacy of the oversight and regulation of U.S. labs.

Despite these concerns, Fauci and the NIH have continued to fund gain-of-function research, and they have resisted calls for greater oversight and regulation. In a 2011 op-ed, Fauci and his colleagues argued that the benefits of this research outweigh the risks, and they claimed that the research is necessary to prepare for the possibility of a deadly virus outbreak.

However, Ebright and other critics argue that the risks of this research are too great, and that it is not necessary for public health. They have called for a moratorium on gain-of-function research until the risks and benefits can be more thoroughly evaluated.

In the meantime, Ebright will continue his crusade to save the world from the dangers of gain-of-function research. He is a registered Democrat and a Biden supporter, but he is not afraid to speak out against Fauci and the NIH when he believes that they are putting the public at risk.


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