Biden's Debate Prep: Mental Fitness and Immigration Crisis

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 91 days ago

President Joe Biden is heading to Camp David this week to prepare for the first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump on June 27. According to CBS News, "we should expect some surprises" from this debate preparation excursion. However, many are questioning whether Biden is up to the task, given his recent displays of mental decline.

The 2024 playbook for Democrats is reportedly in disarray, with many questioning the president's mindset and strategy for keeping his job. According to a recent Axios report, "It is unclear to many of us watching from the outside whether the president and his core team realize how dire the situation is right now, and whether they even have a plan to fix it. That is scary."

One of the key issues that will likely come up in the debate is immigration. Under Biden's leadership, an estimated 7.4 million illegal immigrants have made their way into the U.S., with nearly 2 million "gotaways" who were spotted by border officials but not caught. This has led to a rise in illegal immigrant crime, with recent cases including a Guatemalan male charged with raping a minor in Massachusetts and an Ecuadorian arrested for raping a 13-year-old girl in New York.

Despite these concerns, Biden has repeatedly vowed to do something about the border crisis, with his spokespeople touting a Biden "executive order" to regain control of the border. However, his big executive order was a plan that grants amnesty or "parole in place" for hundreds of thousands of people, rather than cracking down on illegal immigration.

Meanwhile, Biden's foreign policy has also come under fire, with many nations, including our top allies, juggling competing agendas due to the chaotic nature of his leadership. Israel, in particular, has been bearing the brunt of this abuse, with the administration claiming their support for Israel is ironclad but cutting off arms shipments and accusing the IDF of war crimes.

As the debate approaches, many are questioning whether Biden is up to the task of taking on Trump, who has a reputation for being a formidable debater. With inflation and the economy top of mind for voters, Biden's record on these issues will likely be scrutinized. Additionally, with his base reportedly defecting in droves, Biden will need to find a way to win over voters if he hopes to secure a second term in office.


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