Spain's Socialist Government Targets Conservative Voices Under 'Disinformation' Guise

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 92 days ago

Spain's Socialist government is planning a crackdown on press freedom under the guise of combating "pseudomedia" and "disinformation."

Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez recently announced that he would propose legislation for "democratic renewal" by July, specifically targeting what he calls "pseudomedia" outlets that spread "hoaxes and disinformation."

Sánchez claims that these outlets are financed by "the far-right coalition governments of the [center-right] Partido Popular and [populist] VOX," two parties that have formed coalitions in several of Spain's regional governments.

However, critics argue that this is a thinly veiled attempt to silence conservative voices and stifle dissent. The proposed legislation would provide a preview of the restraints on freedom of the press planned by the Socialist government.

The Andalusian Socialist Party has already registered a bill in the regional parliament with the same end in mind. The bill includes proposals to "dignify" the profession of journalism through legislation "against hoaxes" and new rules around where the government can place advertising to prevent "pseudomedia" and "pseudojournalists" from receiving advertising money from the regional government.

The bill would also include journalists in the government jobs scheme, specify which degrees are required for journalists, create support measures to "update" journalists over the age of 50, and measures to differentiate between "those who practice journalism as a professional or as a political agitator."

For the general public, there are other measures to spread "digital literacy" among citizens so they "have the ability to discern" between information and "hoaxes."

However, these measures are seen as a way to control the narrative and silence opposition voices. The Socialist Party will have the chance to defend their bill in the Andalusian parliament next week, but it will be a tough sell as the center-right Partido Popular has an absolute majority in the chamber.

This is not the first time that the Socialist government has targeted conservative voices. In 2021, the government proposed a law that would have allowed the government to shut down websites and social media accounts that spread "disinformation" without a court order.

The law was widely criticized by human rights groups and journalists, who argued that it would have a chilling effect on freedom of expression. The law was eventually withdrawn after widespread protests.

The proposed legislation is part of a broader trend of governments around the world cracking down on press freedom. In the United States, for example, the Trump administration was criticized for its attacks on the media and its attempts to silence critics.

However, the proposed legislation in Spain is particularly concerning because it targets not only the media but also individual journalists. The proposed measures to "dignify" the profession of journalism and create support measures for older journalists are seen as a way to co-opt the media and turn it into a mouthpiece for the government.

The proposed legislation is also concerning because it comes at a time when the Spanish government is facing a number of challenges. The country is still struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and there are concerns about the impact of the war in Ukraine on the Spanish economy.

In this context, it is important that the media is able to hold the government to account and provide accurate information to the public. The proposed legislation threatens to undermine this important role and stifle dissent.

The proposed legislation is also concerning because it comes at a time when the Spanish government is facing a number of challenges. The country is still struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and there are concerns about the impact of the war in Ukraine on the Spanish economy.

In this context, it is important that the media is able to hold the government to account and provide accurate information to the public. The proposed legislation threatens to undermine this important role and stifle dissent.

It is important that the international community pays attention to this issue and speaks out against any attempts to restrict press freedom in Spain. The media plays a vital role in a democratic society, and any attempts to silence it should be met with strong opposition.


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