Trump's Influence Felt: Perry, Jackson Join Intelligence Committee

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 92 days ago

Former President Donald Trump's influence on the House Republican leadership is already being felt, as House Speaker Mike Johnson appoints Representatives Scott Perry and Ronny Jackson to the Intelligence Committee at Trump's urging.

The appointments have angered some GOP lawmakers, who fear that Perry and Jackson's far-right views could harm efforts to make the committee less partisan. Perry, a former chairman of the Freedom Caucus, has drawn the most fire from colleagues for his past refusal to support McCarthy for speaker and his statement that he looked forward to providing "a fresh perspective" on the committee.

However, other Republicans on the committee have expressed hope that the seriousness of the job will change new members' perspectives. Representative Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) said that once lawmakers get down in the sensitive compartmented information facility and read the volume and seriousness of the threats that face the country, it is often a game-changing experience.

Trump's influence on the House Republican leadership is not surprising, given his popularity among Republican voters. The Economist currently projects that Trump has a 66 percent chance of winning the election, according to its national forecast tool. The forecast gathers data from several different states and national polls along with economic indicators to gauge which candidate will likely win each district.

Trump's popularity continues to perk up following his guilty conviction in the hush money trial. Biden's likelihood of victory has steadily decreased since mid-May, around the time when Trump's trial began to heat up.

The appointments of Perry and Jackson to the Intelligence Committee demonstrate that Trump's influence with the House Republican leadership is already being felt in ways that could embolden the far right to make demands of the speaker. However, it remains to be seen whether their views will change once they are exposed to the seriousness of the job.

In related news, a recent article from America Out Loud News explains why the Founding Fathers chose a republic over a democracy. The article argues that the word "democracy" is not mentioned anywhere in the American Constitution because the Founding Fathers considered Democracy to be like mob rule.

The critical difference between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has enormous implications for minority rights. The Founding Fathers preferred the "rule of law" more than the "rule of majority," and for this purpose, they framed a constitution (or charter of rights) to protect the people.

In a Constitutional Republic, certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government, such as the rights of freedom of religion, of free speech, having armed citizenry, etc., become ironclad guaranteed. In contrast, in a Democracy, the majority can easily infringe on all these rights.

The article argues that the Democrats have become masters at Projective Identification, blaming their victims for their own nefarious thoughts and deeds. They succeed by dividing Americans, never by uniting them. They invariably succeed because they are more than willing to break every rule and law if they can get away with it.

Hopefully, more Americans are waking up to the nightmarish and treasonous Biden administration with its Open Borders, giving undocumented illegals the same rights as American citizens at the expense of these citizens against their will and without their approval.

At last, more Americans are realizing that their income and savings are being squandered without accountability by this administration, mostly on illegal migrants and not low-income Americans or veterans who are in need.

Hopefully, a significant number of Americans wake up to the truth before the November elections and save the Republic from self-destruction.


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