Trump Surges in Polls, Leads Biden by Nearly 20 Points in Iowa

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 92 days ago

Former President Donald Trump is surging in the polls, leading President Joe Biden by a significant margin in the latest Iowa presidential poll.

According to the June 2024 Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, Trump has the support of 50% of likely Iowa voters, while Biden trails behind with only 32% support. This marks a nearly 20 percentage point lead for the former president.

Trump's strong showing in Iowa is particularly noteworthy given his recent criminal conviction. Despite this setback, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee continues to enjoy widespread support among likely voters.

In contrast, Biden's favorability ratings have taken a hit in recent months. The poll found that 50% of Iowans have an unfavorable view of the incumbent president.

Trump's surge in the polls is not limited to Iowa. Recent reports suggest that he is also gaining ground with black voters, a traditionally Democratic-leaning demographic. This trend has left Democrats facing a major decision about whether to continue supporting Biden as their nominee.

The poll results are a clear indication that Trump remains a formidable force in American politics. His strong showing in Iowa, a key battleground state, is likely to give pause to Democrats who had hoped to coast to victory in the 2024 election.

As the race for the White House heats up, it remains to be seen whether Trump's momentum will continue to build or whether Biden will be able to mount a comeback. One thing is certain: the road to the presidency is never a sure thing, and anything can happen between now and November.


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