Republicans Push Back Against Female Draft Proposal

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 93 days ago

Republicans in Congress are pushing back against a bipartisan Senate bill that would require women to register for the military draft.

The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 was approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee in a 22-3 vote on Friday. However, the bill contains a provision that would require women to register for the military draft, a proposal that has generated fierce backlash among members of Congress.

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, was among those who expressed opposition to the proposal, writing on Twitter, "You can go straight to hell. Over my dead body." Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, also expressed his opposition, writing, "We Will Not Draft Women" and declaring that the proposal would happen "over my dead body."

The Christian conservative advocacy organization Family Research Council has long opposed efforts to require women to register for the military draft. In a 2021 issue brief, the organization wrote, "Family Research Council honors and values the many women who have served and currently serve their country with great distinction. However, we find no convincing reason to require females to register for the Selective Service."

The U.S. has not employed a military draft since 1973, and the Family Research Council contends that the U.S. has "sufficient males to fill draft requirements without resorting to drafting females."

The National Defense Authorization Act is one of several appropriations bills that must pass before fiscal year 2025 begins on Oct. 1. Failure to approve the funding bill would lead to a partial government shutdown.

The fact that the Senate version of the NDAA containing the provision was approved by nearly all members of the Armed Services Committee, including Republicans, raises questions about the level of Republican opposition. However, the reaction from Roy and Lee suggests that Republicans, the majority party in the U.S. House of Representatives and the minority party in the U.S. Senate, will work to ensure that the provision does not make it into the final version of the bill.


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