Media Wages War on Truth: Censoring Videos of Biden's Senility

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 93 days ago

Media Campaigns to Ban Videos of Biden's Senility

In a concerning turn of events, the media is attempting to ban videos that showcase President Biden's senility. This latest development comes as the third round of the Misinformation Wars, which began in 2017 with the aim of censoring any materials about Hillary Clinton's scandals.

The second round of these wars focused on censoring Biden scandals and any claims that the election had been rigged. Now, the media is targeting videos of Biden appearing "out of it," labeling them as "cheapfakes" due to supposed lack of context or editing.

NBC News has recently reported that "Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up." However, it's important to note that "misleading" is not the same as "true" or "false." While some videos may indeed be misleading, others present a clear picture of the President's mental state.

The fact-checkers' attempts to establish the President's mental state are questionable, as only a team of medical professionals with access to the patient could make such a determination. This latest move by the media raises concerns about their intentions and the implications for freedom of speech and transparency.

As conservatives, we value truth and transparency. The media's efforts to censor videos that showcase President Biden's senility are a cause for concern. We must remain vigilant and continue to demand accountability and transparency from our leaders and the media.


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