Charlie Kirk Rallies 'Low-Propensity' Voters for Trump's Return

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

Charlie Kirk, a prominent ally of former President Donald Trump, is leading a charge to find "low-propensity" voters who he believes will propel Trump back to power. Speaking at the Turning Point Action's People's Congress in Detroit, Michigan, Kirk emphasized the importance of registering new voters and finding those who are less likely to vote but are pro-Trump.

A string of polls shows Trump making gains among young, Black, and Hispanic voters, groups that have historically turned out in lower numbers than other demographics. According to a CNN analysis of three NBC polls, Biden is up by four points among people who voted in 2020 and the 2022 midterms. However, Trump led by 12 points among people who voted in 2020 but not 2022. Trump's lead extends to a whopping 20 points among those who voted in neither election, with almost two-thirds of those people expressing a negative view of Biden's performance as president.

The theme of the three-day gathering was finding the votes that will return Trump to power, and that means "low propensity voters," Kirk said. He urged supporters to go register new voters and find low-propensity voters in their lives to register to vote.

Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee, described the launch of Trump Force 47 as a community effort to drive turnout. She said that low-propensity voters are "maybe not registered to vote or maybe they are registered to vote, but they're a little harder to mobilize."

Grant Raphael, a regional organizer for BLEXIT, a group that encourages Black people to leave the Democratic Party, said that minorities are tiring of being told they are victims and are embracing Trump's message that they can be "victors" if they work hard and look after their families. He said that his mission includes explaining how easy it is to register to vote, with just a few clicks on an app, in an effort to turn "low-propensity voters" into dead cert Trump voters in November.

In such a tight race, turnout could deliver victory to Biden or Trump, according to James Johnson, cofounder of polling firm J. L. Partners. He said that Trump has the bigger challenge—and the opportunity for a bigger prize—on his hands as his voters do tend to be lower propensity. However, if Trump holds his 2020 vote and Biden goes backwards by not turning out African-American voters, then he is in serious trouble.

"In that scenario, and the one the polls currently bear out, Trump could win just by standing still," Johnson said.


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