Democrats Plot Biden Replacement as Polls Plummet

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

Secret Democratic plot to replace Biden revealed, as his poll numbers continue to plummet.

In a recent fundraiser, former President Barack Obama was seen guiding President Joe Biden off the stage, sparking speculation about Biden's ability to lead the Democratic Party in the 2024 election. This incident comes after a series of concerning public appearances by the 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief, including a viral video of Biden standing motionless and staring blankly for a full minute at a Juneteenth celebration at the White House.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates has denied that Biden froze in the video, calling it a "cheap fake memo" being spread by the media. However, it seems that no matter how much cold water the Biden campaign or Democratic Party throw on this raging fire of speculation, Americans will not be put off the Great Joe Biden Replacement Theory.

Polling guru Nate Silver has noted that Biden's average approval rating has reached a new low of 37.4 percent, with chief among voter concerns being Biden's age. Silver concluded that Biden looks and acts his age and is a huge outlier to ask for the job until 86 years old.

James Carville, the political mastermind behind Bill Clinton's presidential campaigns, has said flat-out this month that Biden should not have run for re-election. Now, a last-ditch effort by Biden's backers to silence his critics inside the party may prove to be his ultimate undoing.

According to Democratic bigwig, Obama campaign guru David Axelrod, the Biden team scheduled one of the earliest presidential debates in history (June 27 on CNN) to prove to naysayers that Joe's not going anywhere. However, if Joe stumbles in that first face-off with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it'll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel.

"The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer," one Democratic strategist told "It would have to be the four of them collectively."

However, there's another potential complication. As the recognized leader of the Democratic Party, a stubborn Biden could refuse to step down and fight on to Election Day, even as the party grows more exasperated with his performance.

Biden is fiercely proud of his first-term accomplishments, which he – dubiously – boasts are more significant than other modern president's triumphs. Though to be fair, Biden was the one who beat Trump in 2020.

Additionally, while Biden respects former House Speaker Pelosi, Bill Clinton, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, his growing resentment of Obama has become painfully clear. The former president famously backed Hillary Clinton in 2016 over Biden in the Democratic primary and even reportedly tried to stop his vice president from running in 2020.

Ironically, both Barack and Michelle Obama appear to have intentionally kept their distance from the Biden White House - knowing that their public appearances trigger nostalgia for the days when voters liked their nominees.

All Democrats may have some painful decisions ahead. Biden has said that American democracy is on the line in the 2024 election. If his party becomes convinced that he'll lose, they'll feel compelled to take drastic – perhaps even unimaginable – action.


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