Trump Supporters School CNN on American Government

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

CNN's Attempt to Shame Trump Supporters Backfires, Highlights Their Understanding of American Government

In a recent segment, CNN attempted to embarrass and shame Trump supporters by questioning their understanding of American government. However, the segment only served to highlight the knowledge and education of Trump supporters regarding the United States' form of government.

The central question posed by CNN reporter Donie O'Sullivan at a Trump rally was, "Is America a democracy?" The response from Trump supporters was consistently, "America is not a democracy, it's a republic." This response is, in fact, accurate, as the United States is a constitutional republic, not a direct democracy.

CNN sought to dispute this claim by interviewing leftist Anne Applebaum, who argued that there is no meaningful difference between 'democracy' and 'republic.' Applebaum's theory is that Trump's supporters have been spreading this narrative to justify Trump's attacks on democracy.

However, this segment only proves that Trump supporters are better educated about the United States' form of government. The founders of the United States did not want a direct democracy, as they believed it could lead to the fanaticism of the majority. Instead, they created a representative democracy, balancing power across all voters and not just a majority.

The electoral college is a perfect example of this, giving all states a say in presidential elections rather than being subject to the whims of populous states like New York and California in a direct democracy. Another example is the framers' intent for the US Senate, which used to be only for the states. Each state's legislators would elect two people to represent them in the Senate. This was done away with by the 17th amendment, which subjected the direct election of Senators to the whims of the people in each state.

CNN's attempt to shame and embarrass Trump supporters only highlights their bias and lack of understanding of the United States' form of government. Trump supporters are well aware that the United States is a constitutional republic, and their knowledge of this fact should be commended, not ridiculed.


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