Cuomo Blames 'Unknown Staffer' for Deadly Nursing Home Order

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo testifies before Congress, blames "unknown staffer" for lethal COVID-19 nursing home order.

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo appeared before the House COVID-19 Select Subcommittee on June 11, 2024, in compliance with a subpoena. During his testimony, Cuomo claimed that an "unknown staffer" was responsible for the lethal order requiring nursing homes in New York to accept residents discharged from hospitals, even if they were still infected with COVID-19.

Republican Representative Nicole Malliotakis, who attended the hearing, told reporters that Cuomo denied any responsibility for the order. According to Malliotakis, Cuomo stated that he was unaware of the directive and that it was not authorized by him or the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) commissioner.

The March 25, 2020 NYSDOH directive stated that "no resident shall be denied readmission or admission to a nursing home solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19." Nursing homes were also prohibited from requiring COVID-19 testing if hospital staff determined the residents were medically stable before discharging them. Cuomo had warned nursing home operators that they could lose their licenses or face heavy fines if they did not comply with the order.

The directive resulted in the death of more than 15,000 nursing home residents in New York. The numbers were adjusted upward after Cuomo's departure as governor, following several state agencies finding that the Cuomo administration had undercounted nursing home deaths. Cuomo partially reversed the order in May 2021 but kept other elements in place for additional months.

Cuomo had previously blamed health care workers and family members of residents for bringing COVID-19 into nursing homes. He had also accused the Trump administration, pointing to guidance from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that said nursing homes could accept patients with COVID-19.

However, then-CMS Administrator Seema Verma responded to Cuomo's accusations, clarifying that nursing homes could only accept COVID-positive patients if they could follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC strongly recommended that nursing homes dedicate a specific wing to patients moving to or arriving from a hospital. Verma added that if nursing home operators could not follow the guidance, then the transfer "must wait until the patient is no longer subject to COVID-19 precautions, or the resident can be transferred to another facility that can provide the care."

Cuomo's testimony before Congress has raised questions about his responsibility for the nursing home deaths in New York. Republican Representative Claudia Tenney, who also attended the hearing, said that nursing home operators had told her that they were threatened and intimidated into accepting COVID-19 patients.

The nursing home scandal is not the only controversy surrounding Cuomo. He has also been accused of sexual harassment and misconduct by several women. Cuomo has denied the allegations and has refused to resign as governor. However, the New York State Assembly has launched an impeachment investigation into the allegations.

The nursing home scandal and sexual harassment allegations have tarnished Cuomo's reputation as a leader during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cuomo had been praised for his response to the pandemic, but his actions have come under scrutiny as more information has emerged about his handling of the crisis.

The nursing home scandal has also raised questions about the role of government in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Some have argued that the government should have taken a more active role in managing the crisis, while others have argued that the government should have allowed individuals and businesses to make their own decisions.

The nursing home scandal has also highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in government. The Cuomo administration has been accused of undercounting nursing home deaths and withholding information from the public. The lack of transparency has made it difficult for the public to hold the government accountable for its actions.

In conclusion, the nursing home scandal has raised serious questions about Cuomo's responsibility for the deaths of thousands of nursing home residents in New York. Cuomo's testimony before Congress has done little to clear up the matter, and the scandal has tarnished his reputation as a leader during the COVID-19 pandemic. The scandal has also highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in government, and the role of government in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.


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