California Democrats' Criminal Justice Reforms Fuel Looting Crisis

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

California Democrats are at odds with law enforcement and businesses over their bid to curb massive retail theft in the state.

The looting crisis in California has reached a critical point, with some residents refusing to shop in brick-and-mortar stores due to the rampant theft. Stores are being redesigned to protect their stock from organized gangs of looters, but the problem persists.

The root cause of this crisis is Proposition 47, a ballot measure passed in 2014 that was meant to reduce the jail population. The measure made it a felony to shoplift only if the amount taken exceeded $950, a number that has proven to be ineffective in deterring theft.

Criminals have taken advantage of this loophole, seeing it as a license to steal. The recent looting incidents involving dozens of young offenders taking tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise have left all sides in the debate calling for action.

However, Democrats are reluctant to change their "criminal justice reforms" that keep people out of jail. This is not sitting well with law enforcement or retail businesses, who are losing business as a result of the "smash and grab" robberies that have become all too common in recent years.

A coalition of district attorneys and businesses, mostly funded by big box retailers, is pushing for an initiative to bring harsh penalties for shoplifting and drug offenses. The ballot measure would make theft of any amount a felony if the person already has two theft convictions. Possession of fentanyl would also become a felony, and those with multiple drug charges would be ordered to get treatment.

But Democrats, led by Governor Gavin Newsom, do not want the measure on the November ballot. They argue that too many Californians are opposed to "tough on crime" initiatives, and that this one may pass, but many Democratic constituencies oppose it.

Instead of the ballot initiative, Democrats are rushing through a package of 14 bills that would go after the organized theft rings that are running wild in the suburbs. However, these bills do not address the root cause of the problem: the lax penalties for shoplifting that have emboldened criminals to steal with impunity.

It is time for Democrats to acknowledge the failure of their criminal justice reforms and take action to protect law-abiding citizens and businesses. The looting crisis in California is a direct result of their policies, and it is their responsibility to fix it.

As the American Thinker article points out, the recognition of natural rights led to the great success of the United States. If our rights do not come from God, then anything goes, and nothing matters. The Democrats' refusal to acknowledge this fundamental truth is leading to the downfall of our great nation.

It is time for Californians to demand action from their elected officials and hold them accountable for the chaos and destruction that their policies have wrought. The looting crisis in California is a direct result of the Democrats' refusal to recognize the natural rights of their citizens, and it is time for them to change course.


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