US and Ukraine Sign 10-Year Security Pact: A Step Towards NATO Integration

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 95 days ago

The United States and Ukraine have signed a 10-year security assistance pact during the G7 Summit on Friday. The agreement aims to increase the quality of Ukraine's military and serve as a vehicle for eventual NATO integration.

The pact commits the US to training and equipping Ukrainian forces through the expulsion of Russian forces from Ukraine and beyond. The agreement lays out a vision for a Ukrainian future force that is strong, sustainable, and resilient.

The United States and Ukraine will deepen security and defense cooperation and collaborating closely with Ukraine's broad network of security partners. The US will support the full range of Ukraine's current defensive needs now and over the long term by helping Ukraine win the war and strengthening its deterrence capabilities against future threats.

Together, the US and Ukraine will expand intelligence sharing, enhance interoperability between our militaries in line with NATO standards, and work with our allies and partners to position Ukraine as a long-term contributor to European security.

The agreement also aims to strengthen Ukraine's capacity to sustain its fight over the long term, including by building on efforts to bolster in Ukraine’s defense industrial base, and supporting its economic recovery and energy security.

The agreement is very similar to the agreement the US has with Israel. It does not commit the US to military involvement, and it does not contain any promise of funding, only a promise to work with Congress to get funding if needed.

Fifteen nations have signed similar agreements, including Britain, France, Germany and Italy. Japan also signed a 10-year assistance pact Friday. Sixteen other nations are in the process of negotiating agreements with Ukraine.

The broad international commitment to Ukraine, including a $50 billion loan financed by the confiscated proceeds of frozen Russian assets, serves as a signal to Russian President Vladimir Putin that his hopes of waiting out the West may have been misplaced.

The agreement is an executive agreement and does not need Senate ratification, though, as the Ukraine foreign aid vote showed, this agreement would easily break the 2/3 majority barrier.

The bottom line is that no money changed hands, no treaty was negotiated, no commitment from US forces was made, and if Trump wishes to renege on the agreement, nothing will prevent him from doing so.

This agreement is a clear sign of the United States' commitment to Ukraine's security and sovereignty. It is a significant step towards Ukraine's eventual integration into NATO and a strong message to Russia that the West will not stand idly by as it attempts to undermine Ukraine's sovereignty.

The agreement is a testament to the strong partnership between the United States and Ukraine and a clear indication of the United States' commitment to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.


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