Former CDC Director Exposes Vaccine Failures, Lab Leak Cover-Up

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 96 days ago

Breaking news: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has made a stunning admission about the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent interview with Chris Cuomo, Redfield revealed that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was working on vaccine development in the lab, and that its research was directly responsible for the release of the coronavirus.

Redfield also shared that the rollout of the Covid vaccine played out very differently than it should have, and that vaccine mandates were a disastrous mistake. He stated that the vaccines should have been prioritized for nursing homes, assisted living, and the elderly, but instead, everyone was told to get vaccinated.

Redfield also admitted that there was a concerted effort by the CDC under Rochelle Walensky and the Biden administration not to release information that could make the vaccines look bad. He said that the CDC stopped tracking people who were infected after being vaccinated, which made it impossible to report that vaccinated people were still getting infected.

Redfield also discussed the role of Big Pharma in pushing for indefensible mandates. He agreed with Cuomo that there was a huge influence by the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer, and Moderna in pushing for the vaccines. He also stated that in his own medical practice, he prefers to use the protein-based vaccines, not mRNA, because we don't make the body a "manufacturing plant" for the spike protein.

Redfield's admissions are a stark contrast to the narrative that has been pushed by the media, politicians, and the 'expert' community since the start of the pandemic. Those who questioned lockdowns, mask mandates, the lab leak, or school closures were vilified and labeled 'grandma killers' or anti-science 'freedumb' lovers.

Redfield's admissions also raise questions about the role of the CDC and the Biden administration in suppressing information about the vaccines. The former CDC Director's statements are a reminder that the pandemic response was a dramatic overreach by the government, and that the pharmaceutical industry had a significant influence in pushing for indefensible mandates.


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