Ohio TV Station Fires Director Over 'Straight Pride' Post

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 96 days ago

Breaking news: WFMJ TV station in Ohio fires Community Relations Director for advocating "Straight Pride" on her private Facebook account.

Madonna Chism Pinkard, known as "Madonna Jean" on Facebook, was dismissed from her position at WFMJ TV station in Ohio following a controversial post she made on her personal social media account.

The post in question featured a meme with a photo of a man and a woman in wedding attire, accompanied by the words, "Celebrate Straight Pride. It’s Natural, It Has Worked for Thousands of Years. And You Can Make Babies!"

WFMJ issued a statement on its official Facebook page, stating that Pinkard's post was "unauthorized" and that the station had terminated her employment.

"WFMJ has terminated the employment of our Community Relations Director following her unauthorized post on a company-linked social media site last week," the statement read. "WFMJ is committed to serving our entire community with the respect we believe all people deserve."

The station also apologized to its viewers, stating that it does not condone such actions and that Pinkard had "crossed the line."

However, many social media users have come to Pinkard's defense, citing freedom of speech. One commenter wrote, "It’s called freedom of speech. You’re allowed to practice your first amendment rights no matter what side you’re on." Another user added, "I’m gay and find that hilarious."

Pinkard has since removed the post and issued an apology, stating, "I apologize for the post that offended one of our viewers."

This incident raises questions about the limits of free speech and the role of personal social media accounts in the workplace. While WFMJ has the right to terminate Pinkard's employment, some argue that her post was a harmless expression of her personal beliefs and did not warrant such a severe punishment.

Regardless, this incident serves as a reminder that our words and actions, even on our personal social media accounts, can have consequences in the workplace and beyond.


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