Trump's Tax-Free Tips Pledge: A Game-Changer for Nevada, Middle Class

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 96 days ago

Breaking news: President Trump has pledged to eliminate taxes on tips for service employees, a move that could potentially supercharge his support in Nevada and across the country.

According to Wayne Allyn Root, a conservative commentator who was personally chosen by President Trump to speak at his Las Vegas rally, Trump's pledge to eliminate taxes on tips could win over millions of service employees who rely on tips for their livelihoods.

"Trump just clinched victory in Nevada with that pledge!" Root wrote in an op-ed for "He also showed where his focus is 24/7- with the hardworking, taxpaying middle class of America."

Root noted that there are millions of service employees across the country who live on tips, including waiters, waitresses, bartenders, and other workers in the hospitality industry. He estimated that there could be as many as 15 to 20 million of these workers who could benefit from Trump's pledge.

However, Root also warned that the liberal media would likely blackout Trump's pledge, as they did with Hunter Biden's laptop. He urged Trump supporters to spread the word about the pledge themselves, by writing a message on their bill or credit card receipt every time they leave a tip.

"From this day forward, I'm asking every Trump supporter/voter to write next to the tip on their bill, or credit card receipt, every time you leave any restaurant, bar, nightclub, country club, hotel, casino, etc… 'Trump will eliminate taxes on your tips. Be sure to vote for Trump!'" Root wrote.

Root also suggested that Trump supporters could say the message out loud to service employees, adding that "A vote for Trump is a vote to increase your take home pay."

If Trump supporters follow Root's advice, he believes that the vast majority of service employees in America will vote for Trump on Election Day.

"Trump doesn't just win Nevada with this pledge, he wins a landslide everywhere in America," Root wrote. "As long as 'The Trump Army' takes personal responsibility to get the message out!"

Root's op-ed comes as Trump continues to face criticism from the left for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his response to protests against police brutality. However, Root argued that Trump's focus on the middle class and his pledge to eliminate taxes on tips shows that he is the candidate who truly cares about working Americans.

"Trump is for helping 'the makers,'" Root wrote. "Democrats are for ripping off the makers, to help 'the takers.'"

Root's op-ed is just the latest example of the conservative media rallying around Trump in the lead-up to the 2024 election. Other conservative commentators, such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, have also praised Trump's handling of the pandemic and his response to protests against police brutality.

As the election approaches, it remains to be seen whether Trump's pledge to eliminate taxes on tips will resonate with service employees and help him win over key swing states like Nevada. However, Root's op-ed suggests that Trump supporters are eager to spread the word about the pledge and help secure a victory for the president in November.


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