New Jersey Democrats Target Trump's Golf Courses Post-Conviction

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 96 days ago

Breaking news: New Jersey officials are reportedly reviewing the liquor licenses held by former President Donald Trump's golf courses in the state following his criminal conviction in New York. The New Jersey Attorney General's Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) confirmed that it is reviewing the licenses held by Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck, Lamington Farm Club, and Trump National Golf Club Pine Hill.

According to New Jersey law, issuing a liquor license "to any person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude" is against the law. However, the Trump Organization has pushed back against the probe, stating that the former president is not the holder of any liquor license in New Jersey and is not an officer or director of any entity that holds a liquor license in the state.

The review of Trump's liquor licenses has sparked criticism from conservatives, who see it as a politically motivated attack on the former president. Some have pointed out that the move is reminiscent of the COVID-19 pandemic, when small businesses were targeted for violating unscientific restrictions and shutdowns.

Others have noted that the review of Trump's liquor licenses is part of a larger pattern of Democrats using lawfare to target the former president and his associates. In 2018, Democrats demanded that Trump's liquor license be revoked in DC, and now they are using his criminal conviction as a pretext to go after his businesses in New Jersey.

The review of Trump's liquor licenses is just the latest example of Democrats' obsession with targeting the former president, even as it becomes increasingly clear that their efforts are backfiring. As one commentator noted, "It is odd that Democrats keep doubling down on 'Get Trump' despite clear evidence that it is not only not working but is actually creating more support for Trump, motivating Trump voters like never before, and alienating their own traditional base."

It remains to be seen whether the review of Trump's liquor licenses will have any impact on his businesses in New Jersey. However, one thing is clear: Democrats' obsession with targeting the former president is not going away anytime soon.


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