Biden's Bizarre Behavior at G7: Raising Concerns Over Mental Acuity

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 97 days ago

Here's the latest on President Joe Biden's troubling behavior at the G7 summit and other recent incidents that have raised concerns about his mental acuity and leadership abilities.

At the G7 summit in Italy, President Biden reportedly "losing focus" during discussions, according to a diplomatic source who spoke to The Sun. The source claimed that Biden's condition was "the worst he has ever been" at an international summit. Another attendee from a non-US delegation described Biden's public missteps as "embarrassing."

These reports come after a series of awkward and bizarre moments involving Biden at the summit, including an odd salute to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and a strange encounter with Pope Francis. Biden also gave a garbled answer to a question about his son Hunter and snapped at a reporter during a press conference.

Meanwhile, a report from Breitbart News revealed that President Biden had watched his German shepherd Commander bite and attack Secret Service members on multiple occasions. Secret Service records reportedly show that agents were fearful of Commander's aggressive behavior, with one agent even suggesting the use of a muzzle. Biden reportedly accused a Secret Service member of lying about being attacked by Commander, despite witnessing the incidents himself.

In another incident, Biden became "severely triggered" by a reporter who questioned him about civilian deaths in Gaza during an "influencer" event at the White House. Biden snapped and attempted to make a threat involving throwing the reporter's phone, but his senility got in the way, and he completely flubbed what he was trying to say.

These incidents are just the latest examples of Biden's troubling behavior and mental decline, which have been on display for years. Despite this, Democrats and their allies in the media continue to defend Biden and downplay his obvious cognitive issues.

As the 2024 election approaches, Republicans and conservatives must continue to highlight Biden's failures and lack of leadership. The American people deserve a president who is mentally sharp, focused, and capable of leading our nation. Joe Biden has proven time and time again that he is not that person.


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