Trump Leads 2024 Race, CBS Debunks Thomas Smear, Baucham Warns of LGBTQ Agenda

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 97 days ago

Here's the latest on the political landscape as the 2024 election approaches. According to sports betting website Sports Handle, former President Donald Trump has a 58.6 percent chance of retaking the Oval Office, while President Joe Biden lags well behind him at 39.1 percent. This prediction aligns with The Economist's 68 percent chance of Trump winning and The Hill's 56 percent. However, FiveThirtyEight gives Biden a slight edge, 51-to-49.

Meanwhile, CBS News has debunked the latest attempt to smear Justice Clarence Thomas. The Democrat-run Senate Judiciary Committee accused Thomas of taking more flights on a private jet funded by a megadonor, which were not disclosed by the justice. However, CBS's Jan Crawford reported that Thomas maintained that those trips with a friend, who didn't have business before the court, were personal hospitality and did not have to be disclosed under the rules in place at the time.

Lastly, Pastor Voddie T. Baucham recently spoke to The Christian Post about his new book, which delves into the attempt by sexual activists to subvert the civil rights movement to promote immorality. Baucham warned that many American churches are going to have to "pay a price" for standing up for biblical sexual ethics during a time when the state is increasingly mandating against them. He also noted that the application of the neo-Marxist paradigm to sexuality and gender has led to the emergence of "sexual minorities," which he believes is a fundamentally political movement.

As the election approaches, it is important for conservatives and Republicans to stay informed and stand firm in their values. The left's ongoing efforts to delegitimize conservative institutions and promote immorality must be exposed and countered. The fight for America's soul in 2024 is a crucial one, and we must all hang together to ensure victory.


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