Federal Court Strikes Down Biden's AR-15 Style Pistol Regulation

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 98 days ago

Here's the latest on the ongoing battle for Second Amendment rights in the United States. In a significant victory for gun owners and Second Amendment enthusiasts, a federal court in Texas has struck down the Biden administration's attempt to regulate and tax AR-15 style "pistols." The ruling, delivered by the U.S. District Court, deemed the administration's efforts as "unlawful" and "illegitimate."

The decision invalidated a rule that could have resulted in the confiscation of millions of firearms and the potential incarceration of those who refused to comply with the regime's directives. The court also criticized the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for attempting to transform a long-standing exemption and render the ownership of these firearms illegal.

In response to the case, Mock vs. Garland, the Firearms Policy Coalition stated, "ATF broke the law by being overreaching sneaky pricks. Therefore, the right thing for the Court to do was throw the Rule in the trash. The Court threw the Pistol Brace Rule in the trash."

Interestingly, this isn't the first time this particular court has dealt with this issue. While the court had previously approved the ATF rule, an appeals court overturned the decision. In the recent judgment, the District Court judge concurred that the ATF rule was not only illegal but also likely to meet rejection in other courts, hinting at a possible showdown in the U.S. Supreme Court.

With an estimated 10 million or more of these firearms in circulation in America, the ATF's grace period for owners to register their weapons tax-free saw less than 300,000 firearms recorded. These firearms are popular choices for recreational shooting and self-defense due to their smaller size and adjustable pistol brace stock.

In other news, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a far-left activist group that spreads lies and conspiracy theories about conservatives and anti-establishment figures, has confirmed that it is laying off 25 percent of its workforce. The SPLC claims the layoffs are part of an "organizational restructuring" and were a "difficult but necessary decision to focus and align our work with our programmatic priorities and goals." However, the SPLC Union issued a furious statement shortly after the job cuts were announced, pointing out that the organization has over $1 billion in financial reserves and accusing it of hoarding donations.

Lastly, families of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting are seeking to seize Alex Jones' social media accounts. Jones, a conservative radio host and conspiracy theorist, has been accused of spreading false information about the shooting and causing emotional distress to the families. The families are seeking damages and an injunction to prevent Jones from continuing to spread false information about the shooting.

These recent developments highlight the ongoing battle for Second Amendment rights and the fight against far-left activist groups that seek to spread misinformation and infringe upon the rights of Americans. The conservative movement will continue to stand up for the Constitution and defend the rights of all Americans.


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