Hunter's Laptop Takes Center Stage in Tax Trial: GOP Senators Block Biden Nominees

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 98 days ago

Here's the latest on the ongoing saga surrounding Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, as his court-verified laptop files take center stage in his upcoming tax trial. The laptop, which has been authenticated by the FBI, will reveal Hunter Biden's long history of tax problems and his unsuccessful attempts to settle his debts with the IRS while continuing to spend beyond his means.

Hunter Biden was charged with three felony and six misdemeanor tax offenses in the Central District of California late last year for failing to file and pay several tax returns from 2016 to 2019. The indictment filed in California uses information from those tax years to show a pattern in Biden’s tax avoidance by citing that very first tax return. Though Biden did successfully file a return for 2014, according to the indictment, he failed to report any of his income from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings at the time.

The indictment suggests that Hunter Biden’s failure to pay taxes stems from his profligate spending and “extravagant lifestyle.” Emails obtained from the laptop by Just the News reveal that Hunter Biden continued to spend large sums of money even as he owed thousands of dollars in taxes. Despite the significant evidence of Hunter Biden’s failure to pay the taxes he owed, what the indictment does leave out is any mention of President Joe Biden’s role in his son’s business dealings, which is also indicated by the very same email evidence the prosecutors possessed.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who brought concerns to the House Ways and Means Committee last year about irregularities in the Hunter Biden tax investigation, said that U. S. Attorney David Weiss’ office prevented any thorough investigation of the elder Biden’s role. The two whistleblowers testified that pursuing evidence related to Joe Biden was “off the table” and that they were prevented from investigating any financial transactions between father and son that would normally be investigated.

Meanwhile, Senate Republicans have announced they will block several of President Biden's nominees in response to the ongoing "radical lawfare" against former President Donald Trump. A group of GOP Senators led by Sen. J. D. Vance announced they would put a hold policy on several of President Biden's nominees, including various judicial nominees and the pending nominations of deputy undersecretary of the Treasury and general counsel for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

The nominees in question would apply to those who “supported lawfare or censorship” of Trump, “suggested the Trump prosecutions were reasonable,” or endorsed Trump’s guilt. The group says the stall will last through the election.

In a recent interview on Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends," Trump stated, "My revenge will be success." However, some Republicans are calling for a dose of karma for Democrats, arguing that the Democrats' perversion of the American legal system has greatly damaged the office of the president.

John Yoo, a UC-Berkeley Law Professor and former George W. Bush administration official, argued in a recent essay in "National Review" that some tit-for-tat would shore up the independence of the executive branch and repair the rule of law. Yoo believes that Republicans could "repair the rule of law" with the idea that "like cases should be treated alike."

As the Hunter Biden tax trial approaches, Republicans are calling for a thorough investigation into President Joe Biden's role in his son's business dealings. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans are standing up to Democrats' "radical lawfare" against former President Donald Trump by blocking several of President Biden's nominees. The question remains whether Republicans will continue to fight fire with fire and stand up to Democrats' endless lawfare against conservatives.


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