Leftist Media's Racism, Swamp Revenge, Woke Companies: Conservative Fightback

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 98 days ago

Here's the latest on the conservative front:

The leftist media's racism against black Republicans is once again on full display. As American Greatness reports, the hypocrisy of the left is evident in their treatment of black conservatives, who are often subjected to vile attacks and smears. This blatant racism is a stark reminder of the left's intolerance for anyone who dares to think differently.

Meanwhile, the Swamp is seeking revenge on House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good. As The Federalist reports, Good's exemplary voting record and unwavering commitment to conservative values have made him a target of the establishment. Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies are plotting their revenge against Good, who was one of the Republicans who removed McCarthy from office for breaking promise after promise. The Swamp's political machine is pouring millions of dollars into the race to unseat Good, but we cannot let this happen. The conservative movement needs warriors like Good who are not afraid to stand up to the Swamp.

Finally, Target and Dick's Sporting Goods are facing pushback from investors for "going woke." As Fox Business reports, activist investors are ramping up pressure on companies amid raging culture wars in the U.S. The National Center for Public Policy Research plans to present proposals for a vote at each company, aimed at preventing the boards from making hyper-political decisions in the future. Target has faced backlash for its Pride Month displays, which included products such as female-style swimsuits that can be used to "tuck" male genitalia. Dick's Sporting Goods, meanwhile, has been hurt financially by prioritizing political views over shareholder value. It's time for these companies to focus on what matters: serving their customers and shareholders, not promoting a radical political agenda.

In conclusion, the conservative movement is under attack from all sides, but we will not back down. We will continue to fight for our values and stand up to the Swamp, the leftist media, and woke corporations. Donald Trump will need these freedom fighters to have his back when he returns to the White House in January 2025.


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