GOP Demands Justice: Dominion Discrepancies, Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 99 days ago

Here's the latest on the ongoing scrutiny of Dominion voting machines and the GOP's pursuit of justice for the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Dominion voting machines have come under fire once again, as "hundreds" of discrepancies were detected during a recent primary. This revelation has sparked concerns about the integrity of the voting process and the reliability of the machines. Republicans have long been skeptical of Dominion machines, and this latest development only adds fuel to the fire.

Meanwhile, the GOP is seeking retribution for the 51 intelligence officials who falsely claimed that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. These officials signed a memo in the lead-up to the 2020 election, which allowed Joe Biden to discredit the laptop and its damning evidence during presidential debates and media appearances.

Now, Republicans are demanding consequences for these individuals, with some calling for their clearances to be revoked, their jobs to be terminated, and even criminal prosecution. The laptop, which was originally discovered at a Delaware tech repair shop, has been verified as authentic by the FBI and was used as evidence in Hunter Biden's recent federal gun trial.

The media's role in burying the Hunter Biden laptop story has also come under scrutiny. The New York Post's initial reporting on the laptop was met with skepticism and censorship from social media giants and mainstream media outlets. The story was framed as Russian disinformation, despite the fact that it contained credible corruption allegations against then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The media's obfuscation of the story allowed Joe Biden to win the 2020 election, despite the fact that voters were not fully informed about the allegations against him. A 2022 poll found that 80 percent of respondents believed that Donald Trump would have won the election if voters had known the full story about the corruption contained in the laptop.

These latest developments underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in our political system. Republicans are fighting to ensure that the truth comes to light and that those who sought to deceive the American people are held accountable. As we move forward, it is essential that we demand integrity from our elected officials and the media, and that we work to ensure that our democracy is not undermined by corruption and deception.


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