Majority Favor Mass Deportation, FBI Corruption Revelations, Pro-Israel Backlash

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 99 days ago

Here's the latest on the growing backlash against anti-Israel and anti-American sentiments, as well as the increasing support for mass deportation of illegal immigrants and the ongoing revelations of FBI corruption and political bias.

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll reveals that 62 percent of registered voters favor the U.S. government implementing a national program to deport all illegal immigrants. This includes support from one-third of Democratic voters. The survey, conducted from June 5 to June 7, encompassed 1,615 registered voters across the country, with a focus on battleground states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The poll's findings echo earlier proposals by former President Donald J. Trump, who has pledged to undertake the "largest deportation" operation in American history if returned to the White House. In an interview with Time Magazine, Trump emphasized his intention to involve the National Guard in the effort, describing illegal immigrants as participants in an "invasion" of the country. Several polls have shown voters overwhelmingly agree with Trump's use of "invasion" to describe the Biden government's border crisis.

Customs and Border Protection reports reveal around eight million encounters with illegal immigrants at the southwest land border over the past three and a half years. This figure excludes an estimated 1.7 million "gotaways" who crossed without detection. The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is estimated to have grown significantly beyond the 10.5 million recorded in Joe Biden's first year in office.

Meanwhile, a pro-Israel, pro-American backlash is brewing as anti-Israel and anti-American thugs terrorize campuses and cities in a Red-Green alliance. Even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez felt the political need to speak out when the terrorists-in-waiting stood outside the Nova music festival massacre exhibit in NYC taunting those inside.

Just the News founder John Solomon joined Grant Stinchfield Tuesday on Stinchfield Tonight to discuss his latest explosive investigation into FBI corruption and political bias. According to attorney Tristan Leavitt from the Empower Oversight organization, the FBI is purging agents who support President Trump or conservative causes. Tristan discussed the whistleblower who was suspended indefinitely without pay after the Agency discovered he attended the protests on January 6, 2021, at the Ellipse and US Capitol.

On Tuesday, John Solomon told Grant Stinchfield that much more is coming – "There is going to be a mushroom cloud when we're done." Solomon revealed that other security clearances have been pulled, and one was restored this past week as a result of a deal. The FBI had to admit that they wrongly took it away from Marcus Allen, who was a Marine, a great FBI employee, but they took away his security clearance because he dared to question that maybe the FBI director had given an inaccurate testimony. He just simply wanted to correct the director's testimony. For that trouble, he went without pay for a long time, two plus years.

The Inspector General of the Justice Department is expected to announce that he's opening a full-scale investigation that this is wrong, and then it may be more widespread. We have the lawyers on the show tonight, just before you, and they said they have strong reason to believe many other people ask questions like this during the security clearance. I think this is going to get much bigger. It's going to be a mushroom cloud when we're done.

This is the same police force that forces pregnant women outside in freezing weather with their children as they ransack her home because her husband attended the January 6 protests and picked up trash.

The callousness, dehumanization, and targeting of Jews on display at last night’s protest outside the Nova Festival exhibit was atrocious antisemitism – plain and simple. Antisemitism has no place in our city nor any broader movement that centers human dignity and liberation.

As has happened in Europe, you can only push so far. Lollipops and unicorns leftism eventually falls victim to reality. No one cares about being called a "bigot" anymore. They just want good policy.


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