Hunter Biden Guilty: Laptop Plays Key Role in Conviction

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 100 days ago

Here's the latest on the Hunter Biden case, as the son of President Joe Biden has been found guilty on three federal felonies related to a 2018 firearm purchase. Hunter Biden, who was abusing crack cocaine during this period, lied on federal gun forms, stating he was not a drug addict. After just over three hours of deliberations, a Delaware jury determined Biden had, in fact, violated the law. He will likely face a fine of over $75,000 instead of jail time.

The National Pulse has confirmed that a statement from President Trump pledging to "help" Hunter, circulating on social media, is fake. The statement, which claimed that Trump would offer a pardon to Hunter Biden if reelected in November, was not made by the former president.

It's worth noting that the laptop Hunter Biden left at a repair shop in 2019 played a significant role in securing his conviction. Prosecutors attested to the authenticity of the laptop, which contained evidence of Hunter Biden's drug use and questionable foreign business deals. The laptop was first reported on by the New York Post in 2020, but its discovery and contents were largely suppressed on social media and by many large news organizations.

During a 2020 presidential debate, then-candidate Joe Biden called the laptop "Russian disinformation." However, by mid-2022, most legacy media outlets acknowledged the authenticity of the laptop. The emails on the laptop suggested that Joe Biden was personally involved in Hunter Biden's business deals in China and that he financially benefited from those deals as well.

The suppression of the laptop story may have had a significant impact on the 2020 election. A late 2020 Media Research Center/Polling Company survey showed that then-incumbent President Donald Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes if a sizable number of Joe Biden's supporters had been aware of the authenticity of the laptop.

In December 2022, TIPP Insights conducted a poll of 501 people and asked, "Would knowing the laptop contents were real and not 'disinformation' have changed your vote?" The poll found that 9.4% of respondents said they would have changed their votes from Biden to Trump, to a third-party candidate, or would not have voted at all if they had known about the laptop contents.

The Hunter Biden gun trial has also raised questions about the constitutionality of certain federal gun laws. Some argue that Section 922(g)(3) of the federal statute, which prohibits the possession of firearms by unlawful users of drugs, is unconstitutional. Trump could continue to make inroads with voters by signaling his intent to pardon folks like Biden and others convicted for the non-violent offense of possessing a firearm while an unlawful user of drugs.

In conclusion, the Hunter Biden case has highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in our political system. The suppression of the laptop story may have had a significant impact on the 2020 election, and the conviction of Hunter Biden has raised questions about the constitutionality of certain federal gun laws. As we move forward, it's important that we continue to hold our elected officials accountable and ensure that our political system is fair and just for all Americans.


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