Biden's Controversial Alliances: Losing Jewish Support, Funding Anti-Media NGO

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 100 days ago

Here's the latest on the Biden administration's questionable alliances and the President's dwindling support among Jewish voters.

A recent AJC poll revealed that President Biden has lost 19% of Jewish voters who supported him in 2020. This significant drop in support comes as Biden continues to push his controversial policies, which have been met with increasing skepticism from the Jewish community.

Meanwhile, the President is set to visit his son, Hunter Biden, in Delaware following his anti-gun speech. Hunter Biden, who has been convicted of various crimes, remains a controversial figure in the Biden family. This visit raises questions about the President's priorities, as he chooses to console his son rather than address the pressing issues facing the nation.

In a disturbing turn of events, the US government and George Soros-led Open Society Foundations have been found to be funding a Ukrainian NGO,, which has placed Blaze Media, Glenn Beck, and Tucker Carlson on its enemies list. The NGO, which masquerades as an independent journalism organization, has accused these American media outlets of spreading Russian propaganda and disinformation.

Further investigation has revealed that is not only funded by the Open Society Foundations but also by several American agencies, including the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Both USAID and NED have been accused of having close ties to the CIA and have been involved in various controversial operations around the world.

This revelation raises serious concerns about the US government's involvement in funding an organization that is actively targeting American media outlets and individuals. It is a clear violation of the principles of freedom of speech and the press, which are fundamental to American democracy.

The Biden administration's continued support for such organizations and its failure to address the concerns of the Jewish community are further evidence of its inability to lead the nation effectively. As the President's approval ratings continue to plummet, it is clear that the American people are losing faith in his ability to govern.

In conclusion, the Biden administration's questionable alliances and dwindling support among Jewish voters are a cause for concern. The President's continued support for organizations that target American media outlets and individuals is a clear violation of the principles of freedom of speech and the press. It is time for the American people to demand accountability and transparency from their leaders.


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