Conservative Values Surge Globally, Leftist Billionaire Infiltrates US Agency

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Here's the latest on the global political landscape, where conservative values are making significant strides. In Europe, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has announced his resignation following a significant defeat in the European Union elections, which saw a surge in victories for right-wing parties across several European countries. De Croo's liberal Open VLD party secured just 6 percent of the vote, a clear indication of the shift towards conservative values in Belgium. This trend is also evident in France, Germany, and Austria, where right-wing parties have gained substantial ground, particularly by opposing mass immigration, advocating for the nuclear family, and endorsing economically conservative values.

Meanwhile, in the United States, a leftist billionaire, Pierre Omidyar, has been accused of attempting to "reimagine capitalism" by colonizing a federal agency. Omidyar, who made his billions through eBay, has been funneling millions of dollars through dark money groups to put Joe Biden in the White House. His activism vehicle, the Omidyar Network, has been successful in placing a vast swath of top Federal Trade Commission (FTC) posts to people who worked for his "constellation" of groups. This includes FTC Chair Lina Khan, who was previously the legal director of the Open Markets Institute, funded by the Omidyar Network.

This infiltration of the FTC by Omidyar's network raises serious concerns about the politicization of federal agencies. The FTC's report to Congress on "online harms" including "disinformation" has been criticized for relying on partisan groups and adopting critical race theory. The report lamented that "Facebook played a critical role in spreading false narratives about the election immediately before the January 6, 2021, siege of the United States Capitol."

In contrast, former President Donald Trump has been a vocal critic of big tech firms and their influence on elections. Trump has called for the breakup of big tech monopolies and has been a strong advocate for conservative values. His administration was successful in implementing conservative policies, including tax cuts, deregulation, and a strong stance on immigration.

In conclusion, the global political landscape is shifting towards conservative values. The success of right-wing parties in Europe and the concerns over the politicization of federal agencies in the United States highlight the need for conservative values in politics. The conservative movement, led by figures like Donald Trump, will continue to advocate for limited government, individual liberty, and traditional values.


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