62% Support Deportation, Ex-Manager Fired, Kansas City Crime Surge

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Here's the latest on several pressing issues facing the nation, as seen through a conservative lens.

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll revealed that 62% of Americans support a national program to deport all illegal aliens, including Democrats. This finding, announced on Face the Nation by CBS polling expert Anthony Salvanto, stunned the show's far-left host, Margaret Brennan. Salvanto clarified that this sentiment reflects a desire for a change in direction, with the specifics left to legislators and courts. This poll result underscores the widespread dissatisfaction with the current administration's handling of the border crisis.

In other news, a former Big Lots manager, Pat Guider, was fired after attempting to assist police in locating a shoplifter who had assaulted an employee. Guider, who had worked for the company for 20 years, followed the suspect at a safe distance while relaying his location to 911. Despite his positive performance reviews and adherence to store policy, Guider was terminated. This incident highlights the need for businesses to support employees who act in the interest of public safety and the importance of clear communication between employers and employees regarding such situations.

Lastly, Kansas City has seen a significant increase in violent crime, while police enforcement has dropped to record-low levels. The city reported 50,163 Group A offenses in 2022, a 15% increase from 2019. Homicides reached a record high of 182 in 2023. Police enforcement activities have decreased due to historic staffing shortages and the "Ferguson effect," a theory suggesting that police activity has been reduced due to negative publicity over highly-publicized incidents involving the police. The Kansas City police department cited staffing shortages as a significant contributing factor to the downward trend in enforcement activities. This situation underscores the need for adequate police funding and support to ensure public safety.

These stories highlight the importance of border security, employee rights, and law enforcement funding, all of which are key issues for conservatives and Republicans. As the nation grapples with these challenges, it is crucial to consider the conservative perspective and the values it represents.


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