Republican States Defy WHO, SAF Backs Trump's 2A Rights

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Here's the latest on the conservative front: Republican-led states are taking a stand against the World Health Organization's (WHO) growing authority over U.S. health care, with Oklahoma and Louisiana passing bills declaring that the WHO has no jurisdiction in their states. The legislation aims to protect citizens' rights and maintain state sovereignty, with lawmakers comparing the WHO's encroaching powers to a dystopian novel by C.S. Lewis. Source:

Meanwhile, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has vowed to fight for former President Donald Trump's Second Amendment rights after his recent conviction on felony charges. The organization argues that it is unconstitutional for nonviolent felons to have their gun rights taken away and has pledged to defend Trump in court if necessary. Source:

Finally, George Conway's attempts to "deprogram" Trump supporters have been met with criticism, as his own daughter struggles with "daddy issues" and turns to "sex work" as a means of "reclaiming her womanhood." Conway's obsession with Trump and his supporters has led to a strained relationship with his family and has raised questions about his ability to lead a nationwide "deprogramming" effort. Source:

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