Portland Officials Slam $7M Budget for Syringes, Homeless Tents

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Here's the latest on the ongoing debate surrounding budget allocations and their impact on public safety in Portland, Oregon. Portland's Public Safety Commissioner, Rene Gonzalez, has criticized Multnomah County's proposed $4 billion budget, specifically taking issue with the allocation of over $5 million for syringes and nearly $2 million for tents. In a letter to the Multnomah County Chair and Board of Commissioners, Gonzalez expressed concern over the vicious cycle of taxpayers funding both the distribution of these items and the subsequent cleanup of the mess they create. Source: thepostmillennial.com

Gonzalez highlighted the "Safety on the Streets" program, which would provide sleeping bags, tarps, and tents to homeless individuals at an anticipated cost of $1.7 million. He pointed out that the city is expected to spend $14 million this year on cleaning up tents from sidewalks and parks. Julia-Brim Edwards, Multnomah County Commissioner, agreed with Gonzalez that a tent strategy is not the solution, instead advocating for a "shelter strategy that gets people into housing and basic services."

Another initiative, "Harm Reduction," would potentially cost $5.2 million and distribute 5 million syringes, a 49 percent increase from the current fiscal year. Gonzalez expressed concern over the unconditional distribution of syringes, stating, "We're seeing too much needle distribution on our streets without conditions attached to it." Brim-Edwards also questioned the necessity of distributing 5 million syringes, given the decrease in the use of injectable drugs.

While the budget explicitly states that the syringes are intended to prevent the spread of HIV and other infectious diseases, past implementations of similar measures have led to an increase in illicit drug use and overdose deaths. Alexander, a former homeless person in recovery, advised against "Harm Reduction" policies, stating, "It's like, here have these needles instead of going out and making the effort. We're just going to give you more of this stuff to do drugs with."

In other news, an Oklahoma teen, Damiana Humphrey, survived a shark attack while vacationing in Galveston, Texas. The 19-year-old was bitten on the hand by a shark while waist-deep in the ocean. Experts have praised Humphrey's quick thinking and reaction, as she punched the shark to free herself. Humphrey was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery for four severed tendons in her hand. She is expected to make a full recovery. Source: newsnationnow.com

Lastly, Apple announced a systemwide AI upgrade at its 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), which will give users access to personalized generative artificial intelligence. The new Siri will be able to take action inside apps, understand context clues, and learn natural language more easily. However, SpaceX founder Elon Musk has threatened to ban Apple devices at his companies if they integrate OpenAI with Apple operating systems, citing security concerns. Source: valuetainment.com

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