Whistleblowers Allege Biden Family Corruption, Biden Approval Hits Low, Pro-Hamas Protests Unchecked

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Here's the latest on the ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden, President Biden's approval ratings, and the recent pro-Hamas protests in Washington D.C.

Two IRS whistleblowers who investigated Hunter Biden sat down with Sharyl Attkisson to discuss their findings. The whistleblowers, who have been subject to retaliation for their work, allege that the Biden family has engaged in a pattern of corruption and tax evasion. The investigation into Hunter Biden's financial dealings has been ongoing for several years, but the mainstream media has largely ignored the story. Republicans have called for a special counsel to investigate the allegations, but the Biden administration has refused to appoint one.

Meanwhile, President Biden's approval ratings have hit an all-time low. According to a recent poll, only 36% of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing as president. The poll also found that a majority of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy, immigration, and foreign policy. Republicans have seized on the poll results as evidence that Biden's policies are failing the American people.

Finally, the recent pro-Hamas protests in Washington D.C. have highlighted the double standard in the way that law enforcement treats left-wing and right-wing protesters. Despite the fact that the pro-Hamas protesters vandalized property, called for Israel's destruction, and chased police officers out of Lafayette Square, no arrests were made. This is in stark contrast to the way that law enforcement treated protesters during the January 6th Capitol riot, where hundreds of people were arrested and charged with federal crimes. Republicans have called for an investigation into the double standard, arguing that it is evidence of a two-tier justice system.

In conclusion, the latest news highlights the ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden, President Biden's low approval ratings, and the double standard in the way that law enforcement treats left-wing and right-wing protesters. Republicans are calling for a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, arguing that the Biden family has engaged in a pattern of corruption and tax evasion. They are also pointing to President Biden's low approval ratings as evidence that his policies are failing the American people. Finally, they are calling for an investigation into the double standard in the way that law enforcement treats left-wing and right-wing protesters, arguing that it is evidence of a two-tier justice system.

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