Majority of Americans, Including Democrats, Support Illegal Alien Deportation

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Here's the latest on the political front, where recent polls and statements from prominent Democrats reveal a growing concern for the potential dissolution of democracy under a second Trump presidency. However, these fears seem to be unfounded, as a new CBS News/YouGov poll finds that 62% of Americans, including Democrats, support a national program to deport all illegal aliens.

The poll, released on Sunday, found that six in ten Americans favor a new government program to deport all people living in the U.S. illegally. This sentiment is strongest among Trump supporters, but also resonates with some Democrats. The polling expert, Anthony Salvanto, explained that this finding represents a broad direction and not specific details, which would be up to legislatures and courts to determine.

This poll result comes as a shock to far-left CBS host Margaret Brennan, who questioned the practicality of rounding up children and the resources available for such a task. However, the poll indicates a growing frustration with the current administration's handling of the border crisis and a desire for a more robust approach to illegal immigration.

Meanwhile, far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has expressed her fear that Donald Trump will "round up" his political enemies and throw her in jail if he wins the election in November. Ocasio-Cortez made these remarks during an appearance on journalist Kara Swisher's podcast, where she also claimed that Trump would "dissolve democracy" in the U.S. if re-elected.

However, these statements seem to be more of a political ploy than a genuine concern for the future of democracy. The New York Congresswoman is not the only elected Democrat to express such fears, with California Rep. Adam Schiff also taking the prospect of being sent to prison by Trump "seriously."

It is worth noting that these statements come as Trump continues to lead in the polls and gain momentum in his bid for re-election. The fear-mongering and hyperbole from the left only serve to highlight their desperation and lack of a coherent message.

In contrast, Trump has focused on addressing the issues that matter most to Americans, such as border security, the economy, and national security. His commitment to these issues has resonated with voters across the political spectrum, as evidenced by the recent poll results.

In conclusion, while the left continues to spread fear and misinformation about a potential Trump presidency, the American people are clear in their support for a more robust approach to illegal immigration. The poll results show that a majority of Americans, including Democrats, support a national program to deport all illegal aliens. This sentiment reflects a growing frustration with the current administration's handling of the border crisis and a desire for a more effective approach to immigration.

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