Screenwriter David Mamet bristles at Hollywood's 'garbage' DEI efforts: 'It's fascist totalitarianism'

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 94 days ago

Renowned playwright and screenwriter David Mamet has openly criticized Hollywood's diversity initiatives, denouncing them as "fascist totalitarianism" during a recent media event at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. Mamet lambasted the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for mandating diversity standards for eligibility for the "Best Picture" Oscar by 2025. He expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of requiring film producers to provide detailed demographic information about cast and crew members. Mamet contended that efforts to address discrimination in Hollywood have swung too far in the opposite direction, comparing it to the fire department's role in improving racial understanding. Additionally, Mamet has condemned antisemitism on college campuses and urged fellow Jews not to support Democrats, asserting that Donald Trump was the only president to benefit Jewish people by fostering peace in the Middle East. Mamet's stance is shared by others in Hollywood, with some voicing concerns that the diversity guidelines could compromise the creative process and artistic freedom. Sources: Fox News.


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