FBI director says China is the 'defining threat of our generation'

Posted 107 days ago


FBI Director Christopher Wray reiterated his warnings about China and the country's cyber and physical threats toward the U. S. on Tuesday.

Wray spoke before the American Bar Association in Washington, D. C. The FBI director has been ringing warning bells about China for months, both in personal statements and in congressional testimony.

"Front and center is China – the defining threat of our generation," Wray said. "To put it simply, the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] is throwing its whole government at undermining the security and economy of the rule-of-law world."

"China’s hacking program is larger than that of every other major nation, combined. If each one of the FBI’s cyber agents and intelligence analysts focused exclusively on the China threat, China’s hackers would still outnumber FBI cyber personnel by at least 50 to 1," he added.

"And it’s not just cyber, but also traditional espionage and economic espionage, foreign malign influence, election interference, and transnational repression – often working in tandem," he continued. "They recruit human sources to target our businesses, using insiders to steal the same kinds of innovation and data their hackers are targeting."... (Read more)

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