NAACP urge Black athletes to 'reconsider' playing at Florida colleges due to anti-DEI bill

Posted 49 days ago


The NAACP called on Black student athletes to boycott Florida universities in light of the Sunshine State’s crackdown on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

NAACP leader Derrick Johnson on Monday announced that they told Black NCAA prospects via a letter to reconsider playing for "PWI" public colleges and universities in Florida. PWI is typically referred to as a "predominantly White institution."

The NAACP is a civil rights organization that was formed in the U. S. 1909.

"Florida's rampant anti-Black policies are a direct threat to the advancement of our young people and their ability to compete in a global economy," Johnson said.

"Diversity, equity, and inclusion are paramount ensuring equitable and effective educational outcomes. The value Black, and other college athletes bring to large universities is unmatched. If these institutions are unable to completely invest in those athletes, it's time they take their talents elsewhere. The NAACP will remain unwavering in our efforts to hold Governor Ron DeSantis, and all oppressive elected officials accountable for their attempts to unravel our democracy."

The NAACP’s letter stated that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis "has made no effort to conceal his administration's devaluation of Black America."

Their letter states, "This imbalance of power and profit demands a response, particularly because these institutions reap considerable financial benefits from the very individuals they fail to stand by in matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion."... (Read more)