Kamala Harris: A Risky Choice for Leadership

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 43 days ago

Kamala Harris: Unfit for Leadership

Former Chicago police detective Eugene Roy, renowned for helping to uncover the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, has issued a stark warning regarding Vice President Kamala Harris.

As the potential frontrunner for the Democratic nomination following President Biden's departure from the race, Harris's record is coming under increased scrutiny.

Roy emphasized that her hasty endorsement of Smollett amid the allegations is a glaring example of her poor judgment.

"This was an attempted modern-day lynching," Harris proclaimed at the time, failing to wait for the facts to materialize.

Her rush to support Smollett, a claim later debunked as a fraud, raises fundamental questions about her capability to handle serious national and global issues.

As Roy aptly pointed out, a leader with Harris's track record of quick, uninformed judgments leaves much to be desired.

In addition to this concern, Harris's approval ratings have consistently lagged behind Biden’s, creating further doubt about her viability as the Democratic nominee.

Despite having the support of DNC contributions and organization, her apparent inability to connect with working-class Americans is troubling for a party seeking to reestablish itself on the national stage.

Moreover, legal scholars are now questioning her qualification to serve as President based on her family's immigration status at the time of her birth, opening another front in the critique of her candidacy.

Should her eligibility become a contentious legal debate, it could plunge the Democratic Party into disarray.

As Donald Trump continues to rally his supporters with calls for a return to traditional values and strong leadership, the Democratic Party's contenders appear increasingly vulnerable.

With Harris at the forefront, Republicans are poised to capitalize on these weaknesses as the 2024 election approaches.


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